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The Great Indian Hockey Player: Dhyan Chand

Dhyan Chand Magician of the game of Hockey

Dhyan Chand (29 August 1905 - 3 December 1979) was an Indian field hockey player generally viewed as one of the best field hockey player in history He was known for his remarkable ball control and objective scoring accomplishments, as well as acquiring three Olympic gold awards, in 1928, 1932 and 1936, during a time where India ruled field hockey. His impact stretched out past these triumphs, as India won the field hockey occasion in seven out of eight Olympics from 1928 to 1964.

Known as The Wizard or The Magician of hockey for his brilliant ball control, Chand played universally from 1926 to 1949 where he scored 570 objectives in 185 matches as per his self-portrayal, Goal and more than 1000 objectives in his whole homegrown and worldwide career. BBC considered him the "hockey's likeness Muhammad Ali". The Government of India granted Chand India's third most noteworthy regular citizen distinction of Padma Bhushan in 1956. His birthday, 29 August, is praised as National Sports Day in India consistently. India's most noteworthy wearing honor Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award is named after him.

Dhyan Chand

His Early Life-

Dhyan Chand was brought into the world in Allahabad on 29 August 1905 in a Kushwaha Rajput family. He was the senior sibling of another hockey player Roop Singh, and the child of Sharadha Singh and Sameshwar Singh. Dhyan Chand's dad was enrolled in the British Indian Army, and he played hockey for the military. Dhyan Chand had two siblings - Mool Singh and Roop Singh. On account of his dad's various armed force moves, the family needed to move to various urban communities, and as such Chand needed to end his schooling after just six years of tutoring. The family at last got comfortable Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Chand learned at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh lastly moved on from Victoria College, Gwalior in 1932. Being in the military, his dad got a little real estate parcel for a house.

Youthful Chand had no genuine tendency towards sports however he adored wrestling. He expressed that he didn't recall whether he played any hockey worth focusing on before he enlisted in the Army, however he said that he incidentally enjoyed easygoing games in Jhansi with his companions.

His Early Career-

On 29 August 1922 - his seventeenth birthday celebration - Chand enrolled in the first Brahmans of the British Indian Army as a sepoy (private). A redesign of the military that year brought about the first Brahmans turning into the 1/first Punjab Regiment. Somewhere in the range of 1922 and 1926, Chand only played armed force hockey competitions and regimental games. Chand was at last chosen for the Indian Army group which was to visit New Zealand. The group won 18 matches, drew 2 and lost just 1, getting acclaim from all observers. Following this, in the two Test matches against the New Zealand crew, the group won the first and barely lost the second. Getting back to India, Chand was elevated to Lance Naik in 1927.

After effectively campaigning for once again introducing field hockey in the Olympics, the recently framed Indian Hockey Federation (IHF) made arrangements to send its most ideal group for the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics. In 1925, an Inter-Provincial Tournament was held to choose the colleagues. Five groups took part in the debut nationals - United Provinces (UP), Punjab, Bengal, Rajputana and Central Provinces. Chand got consent from the Army to play for the United Provinces group.

In its most memorable game in the competition, Dhyan Chand as the middle forward, and Marthins, their inside-right, performed very well together. Chand pulled in much consideration with his sharp stick-work. His infiltrating runs and sensible passes appeared to guarantee him a situation in the group that is to partake in the Olympic Games. Right off the bat in the game, it became apparent that Chand was at his best. In blend with Marthins he removed the ball to one side and Marthins did well to give him a decent pass. Fast as lightning, Dhyan Chand shot an objective. The ball struck one of the safeguards' sticks and went into the net, allowing goalkeeper Collie no opportunity. An objective in the span of 3 minutes of the beginning was more than whatever the most hopeful of the UP allies could anticipate. At the stretch, UP drove by three objectives to nothing.

On their part, Rajputana put each ounce of their endeavors to score. The UP objective had more than one close shave yet were the victors of a fine show match (3-1).

Floated by the outcome of the Tournament, it was concluded that it would be held like clockwork. After two more preliminary matches between different hopefuls, the Olympic group (counting Chand as focus forward) was declared and gathered in Bombay. Focus half Broome Eric Pinniger was chosen as the skipper. The IHF was at first coming up short on assets since the regions of Bombay, Madras, and Burma had choosen to disregard their monetary allure, yet they figured out how to scratch sufficient cash. The Olympic group then, at that point, played a match against the Bombay XI, and incredibly lost 3-2, despite the fact that Singh scored the two his group's objectives. With a calm farewell, the group left for England on 10 March, to play 11 matches against nearby sides also in the London Folkestone Festival in 1927, winning all. It was additionally said that Great Britain didn't send a group in 1928 to the Amsterdam Olympics after their public group was crushed by the Indian group at Folkestone. This is best refered to in Kapur's book Romance of Hockey where a despatch of H. Sutherland Stark, London illustrative of "Sports", a magazine of Lahore, recounts to the story better than some other remark: "Because of reasons it is hard to comprehend the English Hockey Association have taken up an extremely solid demeanor towards Indian Hockey as of late and have over and over been joked about it by even their own allies. The Editor of a main games paper portrayed them to me as a seriously safe body, yet there is by all accounts more than moderate behind their reluctance evidently ever to meet India in a full global encounter". Finally, on 24 April, the group showed up in Amsterdam to leave on a visit through the Low Countries. In all the pre-Olympic matches against nearby Dutch, German and Belgian groups, the Indian group won by enormous edges.

In the 1928 Amsterdam Summer Olympics, the Indian group was placed in the division A table, with Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland. On 17 May the Indian public hockey group made its Olympic introduction against Austria, winning 6-0, with Chand scoring 3 objectives. The following day India crushed Belgium 9-0; notwithstanding, Chand just scored once. On 20 May, Denmark lost to India 5-0, with Chand netting 3. After two days, he scored 4 objectives when India crushed Switzerland 6-0.

The last match occurred on 26 May, with India confronting the host group of the Netherlands. The Indian group's better players Feroze Khan, Ali Shaukat and Kher Singh were on the wiped out list and Chand himself was sick. In any case, even with a skeletal side, India figured out how to overcome the hosts 3-0 (with Singh scoring 2), and the Indian group won its country's most memorable Olympic gold award. Chand was the top scorer of the competition, with 14 objectives in 5 matches. A paper report about India's victory said:

This is definitely not a round of hockey, yet enchantment. Dhyan Chand is truth be told the entertainer of hockey.

Afterward, the experts in the Netherlands truth be told destitute Chand's hockey stick to check assuming there was any magnet inside attributable to his wonderful ball control capacity. An old lady requested that he play with her strolling stick and he kept on scoring objectives with it.

On getting back to India, the group was gotten by great many individuals at the Bombay harbor, contrasted with the three individuals who had seen them off.

Posted in Waziristan in the North-West Frontier Province (presently in Pakistan) with his new 2/14 Punjab Regiment, Chand, at this point a naik (corporal) was cut off from the IHF, which was constrained by civilians. The Inter-Provincial Tournament was being held to choose the new Olympic group; the IHF kept in touch with the Army Sports Control Board to allow Singh leaves to partake in the nationals. His unit rejected. Chand got news that he had been chosen by the IHF for the Olympic group with practically no conventions. His other colleagues, in any case, needed to demonstrate their abilities in the Inter-Provincial Tournament, which was won by Punjab. Accordingly, seven players from Punjab were chosen for the Olympic group. Aside from Chand, Broome Eric Pinnigar, Leslie Hammond and Richard Allen were the other 1928 Olympians held in the group. Chand's sibling Roop Singh was likewise remembered for the crew as a left-in. Lal Shah Bokhari was chosen as commander.

The Olympic group then played practice matches in India prior to heading for Colombo. In two matches in Ceylon, the Olympic group beat the All Ceylon XI 20-0 and 10-0. Kept in touch with one paper on the first match, "Flawlessness is risky, for it courts disaster. For probably the first time, this was disproved for even the lord of weather conditions honored the virtuoso of the Indian players. Downpour mists, which had taken steps to demolish the game, evaporated into the blue, and great many observers endured a party time wondering about the exceptional imaginativeness of the Indian group."

The India group set forth for San Francisco on 30 May and showed up on 6 July. They arrived at Los Angeles three weeks before the initial function of the Olympics, which occurred on 30 July. On 4 August 1932, India played its most memorable match against Japan and won 11-1. Chand, Roop Singh, Gurmit Singh each scored threefold, and Dickie Carr once. In the last on 11 August, India played against has USA. India won 24-1, a world record around then (until it was broken in 2003), and indeed secured the gold decoration. Chand scored multiple times, Roop Singh 10, Gurmit Singh 5, and Pinniger once. As a matter of fact, Chand alongside his sibling Roop scored 25 out of the 35 objectives scored by India. This prompted them being named the 'hockey twins'.

One Los Angeles paper wrote, "The All-India field hockey group which G. D. Sondhi brought to Los Angeles to shield their 1928 Olympic title, resembled a storm out of the east. They stomped on under their feet and everything except pushed out of the Olympic arena the eleven players addressing the United States."

The group then, at that point, set out on a visit through the United States. They played a match on 20 August against a United States XI, practically the very group that they had looked in Los Angeles. Indeed, even subsequent to crediting its second attendant Arthur Hind, for an around 50% of, the group won 24-1.

Subsequent to heading out from New York, the group showed up in England. They then left on a chaotic visit, playing nine matches in different nations in a fortnight, initiating on 2 September. They played four internationals against the Netherlands, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. The group then, at that point, arrived at Sri Lanka and India, playing various matches to pay for their costs. Toward the finish of the visit, India had played 37 matches, winning 34, drawing 2, with one deserted. Chand scored 133 of the 338 Indian objectives.

In India, he is frequently alluded to as Hockey ka Jaadugar which means "Entertainer of the round of Hockey".


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